If there were no voltage on the plates, we would expect everything to be over here in some negative value falling.
Right, because when we think of an energy diagram, that lowest spot there is going to have the lowest value of the binding energy or the most negative value of binding.
It bears a negative charge and the value of minus 1.6 times 10 to the 19 coulombs.
Most of us agree then, pleasure is intrinsically valuable; pain is intrinsically negative, unvaluable, has anti-value.
PROFESSOR: OK. We can have n 4, l 3, and then, sure, we can have m sub l equal negative 2 if l equals 3 What's the second value of l that we can have?
We notice that the value of E at r naught is negative, as it should be. It's a negative number.
And it turns out that if we have a, for example, for s, a very large z effective or larger z effective than for 2 p, and we plug in a large value here in the numerator, that means we're going to end up with a very large negative number.