Our network literacy, our technology literacy, our civic or political literacy, literacy is neighboring to literacy itself, to technology.
First of all, as you can see by the trajectory here, it's very conjunct, right, all neighboring notes here.
The other examples on the bottom of the slide here are introducing genes that affect neighboring tissues.
Literacy is a neighboring technology.
The real sort of typical home of the kinds of things were talking about is Mesopotamia, modern Iraq, the Tigress, Euphrates Valley, which spread out beyond Iraq and went up into Syria and neighboring places.
If you go to another neighboring country, that's what they think is naturally x and y.
如果你们到了另一个相邻的国家,这就成了他们所惯用的 x 和 y 方向
The kinds of proteins that sit on a cell surface and form adhesion junctions with neighboring cells, that's one class of cells on the surface.
Melodies that are just running up and down a scale-- neighboring tones.
These released particles can now go on and infect neighboring cells, they can travel in the bloodstream to infect cells at a distance and the virus spreads throughout a multicellular host.
Molecules are produced here and they flow directly over, usually by diffusion, to the neighboring molecule.