It was a new idea that broke with the ideas of its neighbors, and those people were the Israelites.
So I think it would be a good idea if I bought a new car.
So what is this radical new idea that shaped a culture and enabled its survival into later antiquity and really right into the present day in some form?
We can see various breaks in financial history when some new idea was suddenly proven workable.
But the customer won't always articulate the brilliant new idea.
So that you're not just handed something that's entirely new to you with no idea which direction to go, we actually do set you off on an appropriate path.
The idea of human rights certainly hit a whole new stride in 1948, with the founding of the United Nations and the Charter of the United Nations and publishing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
So this means we now have a new way of thinking about the photoelectric effect, and that nu is the idea that h times nu is actually an energy.
And inevitably, something new comes along, a new idea, a new fashion, a new country, a new world, whatever.
There is no better time to start a new company or a new idea than a depression or recession because a lot of the management teams were being asked to leave.
So last time we introduced a new idea and the new idea was that of best response.
This was an interesting idea, but it wasn't new.
But it was a new idea in the 1600s.
We set up--this is not a new idea, this goes back to China thousands of years ago, but it started to be widely done-- So you had a Civil Service exam that established your competence.
He has a new name for it -I think it's called Home Equity Protection Corporation -but almost the same idea.
Again, I'm repeating a theme that is in my book, New Financial Order, that financial innovation and insurance innovation is a succession of inventions and each invention propels the idea more forward.
So if somebody in our new plant in Sao Paulo comes up with a great idea, which I'm sure they will, that idea can be transferred to Xiamen, China, or to Ireland, or to Malaysia, or to North Carolina very easily.