They're partners in the preparation of Israel for their new life, readying Israel for life in God's land as a nation, as a people.
If you didn't come to New York, maybe you'd live in Puerto Rico. What would your life be like?
Here, this destruction brings forth a new order, a new form of life that Yeats calls "terrible beauty."
They're associated now with events in the life of the new nation rather than being grounded in the cycles of nature.
What this means, if you average it out, is that since children start learning their first words at about their first year of life, they learn about nine new words a day.
By the time of Columbus maize had already become the staff of life in the New World.
You are from New York. Could you compare the life in New York and the life at Brown?
He's asking us to imagine God, or perhaps this is God's creative spirit, as some sort of feminine being laying the universal egg and brooding over it until it bursts forth with new life. This is a risk.
It made me think about life and death in a new way.
so you kind of have to live life open for a new course of direction
Could you tell us about your university life in New York?
Can you tell us about your life in New York City?
One of the reasons why the Milgram experiment is so nice to know is that if this ever happens to you, not as an experiment but in real life, it will no longer be new to you.
There's in those images, I think, a kind of utopian promise that the familiar, ordinary pleasures of rural life can be recaptured in a new society of plenty.
But what's new is we can now in different ways see the direct effects of mental life.
Edward King gave his life, and he's recompensed by his new status as the genius of the shore.