I think that, in a sense, the subprime crisis that we have is an example of the dangers of new technology.
Second, I'd like to identify two key questions that I really think important for you to be thinking about and addressing in the area of new technology and education.
Even if tomorrow someone were to hand doctors a magic new technology that would enable to control neurons and synapses with whatever precision they want safely inexpensively.
I'm not assigning it, but I wrote a book called New Financial Order in 2003 about technology and finance.
This was an interesting new invention of a new piece of technology.
MIT So, at MIT things are very different, and keep an open mind, explore new areas -- take advantage of being at this amazing place for science and technology and you may surprise yourself in what you really enjoy learning about.
You know this, you can - it's hard to pick up a newspaper or a news magazine without hearing some new application of DNA technology.
It fits in well with the theme of this course about technology because in understanding what's happening with brokerages, our technology, the new information technology, is central.