And there was newspaper speach in that case so that's been an interest of mine for a very long time.
Yeah. We talk about the San Francisco Chronicle all the time. It's like the main newspaper for the city.
Rupert Murdoch, you may have heard of him, is a huge newspaper baron who buys up newspapers all over the world.
So, if every tenth time your dog brought you the newspaper you gave it hugs and treats; that's ratio.
Every now and then you read in the newspaper about somebody whose parachute failed to open and so they died.
But this Market Revolution is not reported in that newspaper, I would venture.
And there were even newspaper articles about this boy genius as a musician.
There were four in the crew, Dudley was the captain, Stevens was the first mate, Brooks was a sailor, all men of excellent character or so the newspaper account tells us.
Now, you'll hear reports in the literature, you'll look in the newspaper, you'll hear about scientists that have found ways to trans-differentiate cells, that is move them from one pathway to the other.
It's Princeton-student-run newspaper.
So leadership is kind of a big word that you see written probably too often these days, in too many newspaper articles, and it probably comes up in too many Yale classes, and I don't claim to know anything about leadership.
So what this means is go to the local coffee shop, go to the newspaper stand, ask for directions,
And just to give you some small defense of that approach, I always like to ask students, "Suppose we didn't have a single historical record, no newspaper, no diaries. You know nothing totally reliable for what happened in the latter part of the eighteenth century in America."
Uh, for, um, and for other jobs if you're looking for a newspaper or an advertising agency,
Look in the local newspaper, see where they're advertising because it's always really helpful.
practically every newspaper that's worth reading is published anywhere in the world.