So the pharaoh enlists all of the people to annihilate the Israelites by drowning all newborn males in the Nile River.
which is that... he talks about trying to find the source of the Nile River in Egypt.
Chiefly what we hear about is in the area of the Nile Delta, right there on the Mediterranean Sea.
This leads then to the account of the birth of Moses, and his exposure to the Nile River.
And he says, I don't, "No one really knows where the Nile River starts."
Again, I want to say it's the because in Egypt the whole Nile Valley-- because I think of the nature of the Nile Valley-- became totally centralized, under the rule of one man, the Pharaoh, and he commanded the whole thing.
He is born into a Levite family. The Levites will be priests in Israel, so he's born to a priestly family. He's hidden away for three months, and then he's placed in a wicker basket, which is lined with bitumen, a tar, and set among the bulrushes at the edge of the Nile River.
That is, until the great archaeological discoveries of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which unearthed for us the great civilizations of the Ancient Near East, of which I have drawn a remarkably life-like map ] here on the board: Mediterranean, I always start with the Mediterranean Ocean, the Nile River, the Tigris and the Euphrates.
There is one exception. In the sixth century, I think it's around--imagine around 550 or something like that, the Greeks settle a single colony in the Delta of the Nile of Egypt at a place called Naucratis, and the root of that word is ship.