But what I'm trying to get at is do you consider that you are under no obligation, since you haven't actually entered into any act of consent, but for prudential reasons, you do what you're supposed to do according to the law?
These are completely optional, not required for the course, so there's no obligation for you guys to get involved in these things, but I'll mention these things as we go along in case anybody would like to get involved in working with professors or graduate students.
Whereas most utterances purport to be saying something true about the actual state of things in the world, literary utterance is under no such obligation, the argument goes, and ought properly to be understood as fiction making it up as opposed to referring.
Of two pleasures, if there be one to which all or almost all who have experience of both give a decided preference, irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it -- in other words, no outside, no independent standard -- then, that is the more desirable pleasure."
In any event, this is some interesting research opportunity, so again, no obligation, you don't have to do this, I won't even know if you are or not, but I just thought I would present these in the case you might find them interesting things to do.