Obviously, World War One is-- unleashes the demons of the twentieth century; nobody could have anticipated that all these empires would collapse.
Nature gave each individual the right to life, liberty, property, and nobody could take these away legitimately.
Just suppose, for whatever reason, nobody could die between twelve and one.
So if you can make 100 tons of the drug but it costs $100,000 a gram that might not be a useful drug because nobody could afford to use it.
That's because nobody trusted these banks they could go under any day and so they tended to sell at a discount.
Now we don't care what you're eating so nobody-- we're not going to attend to that at all; I mean you could eat Twinkies four times a day and that could be your total diet, or you could eat something else; it doesn't really matter so much.
Nobody could be exactly sure about how this process worked.
So, I could ask any of you who have the courage to come forward and fight in my phalanx? Nobody?
Thus, the dictum could be dared in the psychoanalytic school: at bottom, nobody believes in his own death.
Could it be true, is there any good reason to believe it is true, that nobody believes they're going to undergo bodily death?
They could mean nobody really believes they're going to cease to exist as a person, first possibility. Second possible claim, nobody really believes they're going to undergo the death of their bodies.
That is to say, it was some kind of a big religious thing going on here, where the king-- it was obviously a royal thing because the cost of it was so enormous; nobody else could afford a tomb of that kind.
If somebody says, "You know, nobody really believes they're going to die," they could mean one of two things.
Well, there is nobody out there that you could see.