So, should we conclude, as dualists, that smiles are these extra nonphysical things that have a special intimate relationship with bodies?
And dualism simply says, "It's all nonphysical, it's part of the ether," and hence fails to explain it.
And then, if we were to appeal to something nonphysical, we would do a better job of explaining.
When I use the word "Soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.
But to that extent, it's doing all these things and yet we're not tempted to say, are we, that the computer has a nonphysical part?
But the crucial point for this view is that the proper metaphysical understanding of the mind is to think of it in nonphysical terms, nonmaterial terms.
So the mere fact that we decide, if we do ultimately decide that there is a soul, something nonphysical, separate and distinct from the body, doesn't guarantee that we survive our physical death.
So it must be something nonphysical.
The mind is based in, or just is something nonphysical, something nonmaterial, we can call it a mind we can call it a soul we can call it a psyche we typically try to call it a soul.