And both sides, both North and South, in their political leadership, in their economic leadership, were led by hard-boiled, believing, practicing, capitalists.
It just goes north to south and then it stops somewhere in the Sahara Desert or something.
Every major African-American poet and writer and artist from frankly the mid-nineteenth century on has always been reflecting on this nexus of North and South.
So their national ties to the land in the north, in the south, the center is Jerusalem and its surroundings, Bethlehem is of no immediate interest to Islam.
It turns out that cultures, different cultures, including differences between America and Japan and the American South and the American North, have somewhat different emotional triggers and emotional baselines to respond to.
I might point out that the way the Greeks did their immigration into Asia Minor actually had a pattern so that you can go from north to south and you will find some consistency. Here's what I mean.
But, you know, in 2D, the options are not just left and right or north and south, but infinity of possible directions in which I could go those 5 km.
You can see them on your map, and they really run in strips from north to south.
So, I grew up in the South and spent most of my time down in North Carolina.
You can take something that's magnetic with a north-south 1 magnetization and just say arbitrarily, this will represent one.
And then he says, "Some people say that it goes down... north to south
People speaking Flemish in the north and French in the south.
We have two main cafeterias, the Ratty and the V-Dub, which are on opposite sides, South and North.
The North and the South had roughly, as the Northern and Southern states, the Free states and Slave states, had roughly the same geographic size.
I would say that typically their impact was greater in the west and the north than it was in the east and the south.
Less than one percent, less than one percent of the real and personal property, in both South and North by the 1850s, was held by approximately fifty percent of free adult males.