Okay, so while not equal to, so bang equals, exclamation point equals is computer science syntax for saying not equal to, 0 while not equal to 2 which it is not, it is equal to 0.
Right, so the fact that everything is indented means while 2 we're doing, while the variable is not equal to 2, keep doing this.
So now, in this case, this code is going to, when we get here, check, and if you haven't seen that strange thing there, that exclamation point in bang computer-ese called a bang, it says x if ANS star ANS is not equal to x, all right?
Ever since this was first proposed, there has never been any observations that do not coincide with the idea, that did not match the fact that the probability density is equal to the wave function squared.
For isothermal expansion, that means that delta u does not change, but delta q is equal to delta w?
To be equal to the world is not something that I came up with just now.
And probably his most famous line, "Men are not born entitled to equal rights.
Socrates is not saying that men and women are the same in every respect, he says, but equal with respect to competing for any job at all.
Now, mind you, notice these are not people referred to as god-fearing or lovers of god, no. They are just about equal to the gods according to these terms.
No, we can't. Because if l equals 1, we can not have m sub l equal negative 2, right, because the magnetic quantum number only goes from negative l to positive l here.
Remember the equation of state for Van der pV=nRT Waal's gas is not pV is equal to nRT, but p plus the attraction term.
n Alright. So if n is less than or equal to 1, return n. Well that's not right, right?
But as many of you know, and certainly you will find out here, they had pretty clear ideas of who ought to have those individual liberties and who would not, who indeed were born equal and who were not.
It's well insulated. Heat is not going in or out adiabatic. q is equal to zero.
All right, we're-- well actually, I should say that better, we first check to see, is x 0 greater than or equal to zero, if it's not, then we come down here and we print something out, otherwise we run through a little loop to get the answer, and then we check it and we spit something out.
du But here you've got pressure constant. du, T this is du, not H here. du/dT is only equal Cv to Cv when the volume is constant, not when the pressure is constant.