It's not necessary to do that, but it can be quite convenient.
It's not necessary.
It's not necessary very well formatted but it looks pretty complex, right?
Don't put in extra bells and whistles if it's not necessary.
Identity is not necessary, but contingent, as the philosophers put it."
Then the duke judged that such excessive authority was not necessary, because he feared it might become hateful and he set up a sort of a civil court in the middle of the province with the most excellent president where each city had its advocate.
The regions that are necessary for describing what the protein is like are called exons, the regions that are not are called introns.
Why? Because good will and idealism, while necessary,they are not sufficient.
Eliot was there, in that essay on the metaphysical poets that I'm quoting from, defending as necessary what is the primary characteristic, not only of his own poetry, but really of modern poetry generally, what is often called its difficulty.
Finally though, the point that he makes is a terrific one, all of these things seem natural to us but the reason why they seem natural is not because they are in some sense necessary or logical truths.
We've extrapolated that people have property rights and so whether or not it would be a good thing or a nice thing or even a necessary thing for the survival of some people, we don't see that that justifies the violation of the right that we've logically extrapolated.
Because once you actually push people,to pin them down, what do you mean by it,you end up with something that's either just not true, or not interesting,or not necessary, or not particularly unique to death.
The fact that I have this star here, this star here, this star here, is really just 'cause I'm a little anal and it looks pretty to make a little box out of everything but it's not strictly necessary.
Now defragmentation as an aside is not so much necessary these days because hardware has gotten so performance.
we're looking for something that's true,necessary,interesting and, if not unique to death,at least not true of everything.
Hardly. Does it not require those qualities of self-control, discipline, and restraint necessary to achieve success here?