That's not unusual.
Maybe the better arguments for the soul focus not on the everyday but on the unusual, on the supernatural.
This is after the man from the filling station has given Haze some gas and not charged him for it, a very unusual act of kindness in this novel.
They have not evolved to tolerate some of the man made sounds that have very unusual and unnatural physical characteristics. These sounds are for example explosives, industrial noise, musical instruments, power tools, and headphones.
Now, the reason we're going to wait until next week is the first concept sheet is unusual in that it's not just you writing about whatever you want, but it's writing about your dietary analysis.
One belief,even one very unusual belief's not enough to make somebody Napoleon, according to the personality theory.
So whatever unusual experiences they may be having, they are not reports of the afterlife.
In rare, but not unheard of, cases, some people begin to have those unusual biological processes and then return to the normal biological processes and can talk about what was happening in the unusual biological processes.