There is in Frost no God, no transcendental source of guidance or consolation, nothing out there in the world but the material conditions of our circumstances.
All of the self-discipline and all of the self-denial in the world can do nothing -- this seems to be one of the implications of this poem - can do nothing to protect the poet from an untimely death.
You konw, the British practicing mercantilism passed navigation acts, saying what ships could carry what and so on -nothing like that in the Greek world.
But Plato's got the idea that there's nothing in this world that's perfectly beautiful.
But, it ceased being funny, and it was nothing like the siege of Leningrad where something like a million people died in World War Two of starvation; but, there were all sorts of little caskets being dragged along to what passed then for mortuaries.
Somebody who hold a--held a dualist view that said that what we do and what we decide and what we think and what we want are all have nothing to do with the physical world, would be embarrassed by the fact that the brain seems to correspond in intricate and elaborate ways to our mental life.
But for the Greeks, as I think for quite a few other people in the ancient world, death was nothing in the worst sense of the word.
There's nothing like that in the Mycenaean world.