Now I know how you like to tweet your female relatives "It says right here and we signed it."
I was just reading his book right now about, you know, the rise of Facebook and how it all started.
Now, you know with constant volume, H now it's not going to be delta H that's U straightforward to measure, it's going to be dealt u, all right.
Now, I know you've had all this bonding in the orientation period, but I think that it's much better when you write a test for there to be some solid state defects known as vacancies in between the various people.
And he's saying that, you know, "This grasp right now is damaging tissue because it's badly designed, etc."
So, many of you are new to the Boston area, now I still realize, and I want to let you know it's not required that you be a Red Sox fan to be at MIT.
The industry, subprime lending, has grown dramatically over the last ten years and, as you probably know, it's in big trouble now.
Now, the point of this illustration, again, is that it shows that you don't know this.
You'll see enough things that will confound you, but right now I want to demonstrate a simple paradigm of what it means to know the present and what it means to say this is what the future behavior will be.
I think it, it's less now than it used to be like, you know, 50 years ago,
as before, you know... I don't think people noticed it as much as they do now.
but now it's, you know, becoming more of a profession. I love photography,
You know, I mean right now it's me and whoever it was and me and my roommate Dustin and just come sitting there work serially on a new project and then finishing it and then planning how on doing the next project.
If you've read through that material and you should have read through it by now you know that we have a value in music.
You're pushing him and that's different ... than steering something that is going to cause death into another... You know, it doesn't really sound right saying it now.
Now I don't know if you can read it because it's a little blurry, but a diet program that's been successful over two thousand years; can't beat that kind of a track record.
It's just the beginning now, after, you know, thirty years, so
and now, you know, it's sacred ground and so it's protected
Now this is fundamentally important, and as you know that means that it warrants the exalted distinction of being put up in colored chalk.
It's a list of what you have to know about a system right now.
This is what's called the Bohr radius, and we'll explain - hopefully we'll get to it today where this Bohr radius name comes from, but for now what you need to know is just that it's a constant, just treat it like a constant, and it turns out to be equal to or about 1/2 an angstrom.
Now granted we're now starting to take this all shuttle theme to an extreme perhaps, but we realized you know what, it's actually not that efficient sometimes to call a phone number, it's not that efficient to pull up the mobile web.
R is going to be a fix number R times You don't know what it is right now.
等于一个常数 R 乘以,你现在还不知道它是多少
So, now that you're fully immersed in CS50 it's quite understandable 0 if you want people to know that you're in CS50 and so the teaching fellas have been hard at work putting together this year's line of apparel which includes sweatshirts, CS50 T-shirts and the like.
Now I don't know how impressed you are, the year before that it was 22% in one year.