Situation number two is I take the same number, and I make a row. They are all in one row.
- So this commands, number two here -- can someone just quickly translate into the English what it is doing for us? Yeah?
The crucial premise since we're giving Plato number one the crucial premise for our purposes is premise number two.
Objection number two, it's not really slavery to tax because at least in a democratic society it's not a slave holder.
Quotation number two, the Wall Street Journal "The stimulus won't do much for the economy, . but is driving a higher deficit.
Anyway, the work associated with process number two is described by this box.
On your handout today, the handout number two, we have--well, there are several quotations from Frost's letters, and let's look at the first one first.
Point number two is that ionic solids at high temperatures make ionic liquids.
Let's talk about physical attractiveness as number two of the more interesting four.
Okay, fat is number two, so you guys are good so far.
好的 高脂是第二个,目前为止 你们都回答得很好
Is it--This is number two. Is it A or B?
The board likes him; the CEO eventually retires CEO and they make this guy the CEO -the fraternity president we're talking about --CEO-- Now he's now the head guy--the CEO--and he'll bring in a number two guy that's a little dumber than he is because he doesn't want to be threatened.
So,if you take number one--but we don't have to go through them all and I assure you we won't--if you take number one, the Ain,a-i-n,it's named after a river; or if you take number two,the Aisne,a-i-s-n-e, it's named after a river; and how many hundreds of thousands of people died along there in World War One or,you take number three,the same thing,Allier.
Four times the number of pigs plus two times the number of chickens, assuming they're not next to a nuclear reactor, is 56.
So I'm hoping you guys are comfortable with the notion of taking one or two or any number of derivatives.
If you're fighting for an hour or two hours, it just seems like that would be such a low number.