They're the magic nutrient books: carbohydrates, fat, whatever it happens to be, that's one theme you could follow.
And then, you can look at the nutrient broken down as a function of the percent daily values.
It's also nice, by the way, that there are these electronic programs that immediately figure out the nutrient breakdown of what you're eating.
And so the food is a broader constituent of what we consume; the nutrient will be the pieces of the food that affect bodily function.
Gives you energy,' okay. Yes, so that would be the nutrient part of it.
And if food is anything you eat, it gives you a nutrient, then basically everything satisfies the criteria for food; not everything in the world, but most things would.
A nutrient is considered a substance within the food, that's when it digests it, absorbs, promotes some bodily function, so that it has some metabolic health value when people consume it.
It used to be case that trained people like dieticians would have to sit down and go through one by one by one and do nutrient analysis, but of course the computer helps with that.
Focusing on one nutrient is a losing proposition, according to some people, but there are others who say that, nope some nutrients prevail over others and are highly important compared to other things that you might be concerned with.
This particular website has this free nutrient analysis On the website people may choose to get involved in and there may be charges for those things, I don't really know, but there may be and then they may ask you for identifying information, but it's your option to do that.