Nutrition is considered the process, the behavioral process by which people require--acquire nutrients, and use them to promote vital activities.
We'll talk a lot about that, because it says a great deal about the way our government deals with nutrition issues.
% while its economy has been growing at 9% 8%,9% a year? -Yes... The data you are quoting is on Child Main Nutrition.
Because nutrition is going to be one of the big problems of your generation; how to have enough nutritious food for the population as it grows.
Willett is a very prominent nutrition researcher and his name will come up in a variety of context in the class.
All right, I'd like to continue what we started discussing last week, which is some fundamental information on nutrition.
Now so-- just in that little quiz you can see that you guys have varying levels of knowledge about nutrition.
So the nutrition landscape and the physical activity landscape is changing and is sweeping way across the world.
And it speaks to what I said is my concern that Child Main Nutrition decrease by only 1 percentage point while economy cotinues to...grow -I see.
Now one--people get very worked up about what the government nutrition guidelines are.
Let's just say you want to cash in on people's nutrition interest.
Because the government spends so little money on educating about--people about nutrition, especially compared to what the food industry spends, that it doesn't--it almost doesn't matter what this is.
Here's a quick quiz, just to get your sense, I'm not expecting necessarily to get these right, but just to get a sense of a few issues with nutrition.
That's a Child Main Nutrition data and It's very sad indeed.
The ubiquity, not the nutrition, was what got them called superfoods.
Now of course, nutrition is the kind of subject that one could spend the whole semester on, could spend--do multiple classes on, because it's a very interesting, fascinating, and complex topic.