This needs to be stressed that this is the ideal gas case. Now regular gases, real gases fortunately as I said, don't obey this.
We are bodies in motion, and who cannot help but obey the law or the physics of attraction and repulsion.
The land is described as a land where milk and honey flow, and if only you will obey the voice of Yahweh your God. This is the kind of language that's used here, and not so much in the other books.
So you don't think the idea of implied consent is strong enough to generate any obligation at all to obey the government?
But, they really care about this stuff. So, I'm going to obey.
And the aeronautics engineer who wants to build an airplane has to obey, take into consideration, learn it, study and understand the law of gravity.
Because he taught people, "You don't have to obey the Jewish law."
So he's packing and unpacking, packing and unpacking, trying all possible combinations of objects that will obey the constraint. And then choosing the winner. Well, this is like an algorithm we've seen before. It's not greedy.
What about, 'obey your thirst?' Okay. 'I'm lovin' it?' McDonald's.
那这个呢,"服从你的渴望",对 "我就喜欢",麦当劳
The law code of Hammurabi is available to us and there's a preface to it in which he basically explains why you should obey the rules that he now is laying down for you.
And everybody on this half obey.
We've learned a lot about the mechanics of how humans work as organisms over the last 100 years or so, how we work as sort of physical objects that have to obey the laws of physics that you know about.
Why should I obey the law ? and what are the limits if any to my obligation?
Now then, if you will obey Me faithfully and keep My covenant, you shall be My treasured possession among all the peoples.
In fact,he taught people,"You shouldn't obey the Jewish law."
The first rule of any state is the rule that citizens are not free to set aside the rules, to choose among them which ones to obey and to disobey.