There are also texts that are going to object to alliances with any foreign king, or subservience to any foreign king, whether it's Egypt or Assyria or Babylonia.
when you want to find out specifically what category of object you are discussing.
And I wonder if you can articulate how you understand the people who object to your positions, and how you articulate their views in some of your responses?
In my days, they would say, "Find out when you want an object to go through that point."
And so people, for instance, object to the fact that when there's Italian Americans on TV they're often members of the Sopranos, a mobster family.
Their observance protects the holy object from profanation, from being profaned, reverting from holy status back to common status.
now you have this object which is going to tell you whether other things are in thermal equilibrium now.
The first sentence of your passage: "There is no art but one delivered to mankind that hath not the works of nature for his principal object."
Is the mind to be understood in terms of this immaterial object, the soul? So are there two kinds of things?
So I could get to that object either through this path or through that path, it didn't matter which path I use to modify it, I would see it when I looked at the other. Yes.
The philosopher-king, he tells us, may be an object of hope or wish but Plato realizes that this possibility is not really to be expected.
Yeats seems to be reversing this trick in "The Fisherman," seems to be converting myth back into reality the ideal object of desire from a glimmering girl back into a trout.
If it was a bearer note " if the note said I'll pay if it wasn't a unique object but just gold the note would say that this goldsmith will pay to the bearer so many ounces of gold.
So this best response actually is a pretty complicated object, and we could, if we're going to go like we did last time, we could take the time to draw this thing, but it's a bit of a mess so I won't worry about doing that right now.
Or, if you're a pediatrician with a really small patient who will not sit still, it's because the laws of quantum mechanics don't allow an object to have a definite position and momentum.
It's a supposition that whatever the object of theory might be, - theory itself must-- owing to whatever intellectual constraints one can imagine-- be of such and such a form.