And what he said was that when you get down to atomic length scales there are limits, there are constraints on our ability to observe.
for he meant actually that we will never observe gravitational waves.
Another Canaanite group, the Gibeonites, trick the Israelites into making a covenant with them, and it is a covenant the Israelites then feel bound to observe.
And let's look at the final kinetic energy that we'd observe in this spectrum, which is 384 electron volts, so what is that third corresponding ionization energy?
This is a sign of my economic status: I don't have to work. It is middle and lower-class women who do not get to observe purdah in this way.
Continue to observe and experience whatever emotion comes up, whether it's calm or happiness, whether it's anxiety, confusion, boredom or joy.
There's no price per share that you can observe and the banks can't do anything except passively receive the dividend.
Other times it behaves as a wave, and that is the way it helps us to think and rationalize what we observe.
Jews didn't have to--they could observe the Sabbath, they didn't have to do things on the Sabbath that they didn't want to.
He decided to send himself and his students to different places including shopping malls and observe when people laughed and write down what made them laugh.
One astronomer actually left Paris to go off and to observe an eclipse.
Scientists observe and try to describe and engineers try to design.
Observe that the word "Political" derives from the Greek word Polis.
We can't observe souls.
Think of Star festival as a textbook that is come to life and environment where students can observe and draw their own conclusions, there is a path way to a new type of learning that is independent yet guided.
I want to now move down a little bit and observe how landscape is presented to us.