So, he writes: To the psychologist alone can such questions occur as: Why do we smile when pleased and not scowl?
You have a diversity in the chemical changes that occur as a result of any of those connections.
And this embarrassing episode is just the beginning of a sequence of embarrassing events that will occur as the Israelites move from Egypt towards the land that's been promised to them.
And we're going to talk about the best modern theories as to why these syndromes occur.
And, if you laid this out in a table, as Mendeleev did with his cards, you would find that the local maxima all occur roughly in the same horizontal position from the end points of the rows.
.. It's one thing to have-- it's not to say that the best-- if you want your life to be like the plot of a great story, it's not as though you think, " "All right, the denouement must occur at the very last page."
In the immune system you could think of it as an even more complex set of outcomes that occur.
It actually takes several chapters to reach a resolution, and God pouts for quite a while, but a renewal of the covenant does occur, and another set of stone tablets is given, and according to one rabbinic text the broken tablets, as well as the new tablets, are both placed in the ark .
And as I mentioned before, death would occur in 20-30 percent of the cases that got the most severe form of smallpox.