• And so, I need to cheat a little bit on the drawing and make sure that this minimum occurs right here.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • And then, of course, not just whether the reaction will occur but, how fast it occurs is really important.


    麻省理工公开课 - 化学原理课程节选

  • The pasting back together occurs partly naturally by this process of hybridization, but hybridization only re-establishes the base pairing.


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  • Now I'm not going to hear, pursue of the question of "Do we believe bodily resurrection occurs or will occur?"


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  • And it turns out that simply by counting the number of those spikes that occurs at a period of time.


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  • And then it occurs to you that in the next room there's a healthy guy who came in for a check-up.


    耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选

  • as we've seen, establishing a fiction that works to place himself at the scene of a nativity that obviously occurs 1600 years and change before his own birth.


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  • Moral hazard occurs when a risk management institution incentivizes you to do bad behavior-- to show bad behavior.


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  • This is when it first occurs to her that the whole world is being organized around her: Nothing of the night's could touch her. Nothing did.


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  • You start with liquid metal one, liquid metal two, you have the atom ratios proper, they mix, electron transfer occurs and poof, it is clear and colorless. Sorcery.


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  • The Apology takes place in the Court of Athens, the most public of settings, while the Crito occurs within the darkness and confinement of a prison cell.


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  • And each time one of these errors occurs, or you get multiple errors that compound each other, then you've got a lot of potential error introduced in these messages.


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  • But that darkness occurs very early in the scale.


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  • So this is a game that occurs in soccer and just to give an idea of how important it is for those people who are unfortunate enough not to be soccer fans here, the last World Cup was decided on penalty kicks.


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  • Once you have a difference that occurs, two cells are difference, those differences can propagate as the cells continue to divide.


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  • Well, that process occurs in a series of steps and one of those kinds of steps is shown here.


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  • That's why it's natural to point to the moment of star when we say that's when my death occurs.


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  • Dilution occurs--the term specifically refers to changes in a number of shares that affect, adversely, existing shareholders.


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  • So, if we think about the force that occurs between a positively and a negatively charged particle, what we have is essentially a Coulomb force, so we can describe this as a force of attraction.


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