But still, it's crucial to understand, doing the readings is an important part of learning what this course has to offer.
But at the same time, you receive an offer to work at another company that is also very intriguing.
After all, this argument really did show the immortality of the soul, why would he need to offer a further argument?
A couple of you, well this could be-- In fact, some engineering schools offer courses in finance, did you know that?
In September 2008, Paulson refuse to offer such sales to Leathermen Brothers, permitting Leman Brothers to declare bankruptcy.
You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.
For those do we offer what we call hacker editions of each of the problem sets.
I was wondering if you'll be willing just to offer, I don't know if it's culty prayer, whatever you feel comfortable, maybe reciting just a few lines because I know your voice is exquisite.
That's the evasion, the evasion of skepticism, to which I would offer the following reply.
This is very encouraging to see that we can design this system much more quickly that may offer real benefit to patients to offset that surgical risk.
For those who are already engrossed in the reading of Ulysses, as well as for those who hesitate to begin it because they fear that it is obscure, the publishers offer this simple clue as to what the critical fuss is all about.
Do you offer them several dates?
And what the Republic tries to do is to offer us strategies, maybe we might even call it a therapy, Thumos for dealing with thumos, for submitting it to the control of reason and helping us to achieve some level of balance, of self-control and moderation.
And then A.M. Snodgrass says, "I offer this as a further argument against the existence of a historical, Homeric society."
·M ·斯诺德格拉斯又说道,"我质疑荷马社会,在史实上存在的真实性"
You can go up to her and put your hand on her shoulder and offer a hug and say,
We have just -- we've been sucked in. We have just participated in one of the biggest cheats that poetry can offer.