The whole thing's going to come to some new equilibrium temperature between the products and the oil or whatever's around it, and we're going to measure that.
It's the problem that sometimes people knock over an oil lamp in their home and they burn their own house down.
Fatty acid chains are fat molecules, they behave, if you have a lot of them in solution like oil.
I better say something about oil in the ancient world, so that you get a grip on what's going on here.
I mean the calorimeter is a big thing filled the little oil or whatever is inside it, right?
That's right. Louisiana Slim he's sometimes called. Yes, Sir. I sure have met Big Slim. And he used to work in the east Texas oil fields?"
If you're an oil rich country today, as long as that oil lasts, you got the world kind of at your knees.
This is a gift of flour and oil and incense, which is burned after a portion is removed for the priests as dues to the priests, the rest is burned on the altar again with a sweet smell from the incense.
Middle east oil is critical to the rise of India and China, and in that sense it's very much part of the economic process.
First you've got the mono and saturated oil that we discussed before.
Britain anyway started producing oil in the North Sea; lots of countries in Latin America started looking and finding oil, and of course, russian oil started being very, very profitable.
I think that these countries are somewhat trying to manage this oil risk but they can't yet get onto the frontier.
The oil futures market is very significant because it represents the price of energy on dates into the future.
Oil is a very important asset, ... so we want to compute what that-- so now we have lots of inputs.
The olive itself, you use it to cook with as oil; some people just put oil on their salad.
In fact, the assets that the Norwegian Government owns is about two-thirds oil and one-third government pension fund assets.