That's why we said on the personality theory,as we went ahead in time, once the P-functioning stops,I don't exist anymore.
You know, I came over on a holiday, the first time. I came on a six-month visa holiday.
The history of mortgages is that they have generally over time gotten more easy on loan-to-value ratio and also on maturity.
Research on subjective wellbeing-- the term that psychologists use to capture happiness essentially has been going on for very, very long time.
Because you don't know how much more time you've got-- You can make a guess based on statistics, but as we saw, there's wild unpredictability.
So we'll-- more on that as time passes.
In Crane, in his great poem The Bridge- and here's another photo by Evans, this time of Crane on the rooftop of the apartment building in Brooklyn, 110 Columbia Heights where he lived and where he began the poem, with the bridge in the background.
So, studies with police officers using reaction time in split-second choices on who to shoot find that your stereotypical attitudes play a huge role in who you're likely to shoot when they're holding an object in their hand that's unclear.
There's a wonderful work of literary criticism -- I mentioned it last time --on Milton's indebtedness to Spenser in the book by John Guillory called Poetic Authority.
Imagine I have a little lamp, a little goose- one of those little gooseneck lamps, I'd put it on the table here, I'd put the height about a f-- about a foot off the table. And if I was really good, - I could hit, or time it so that when I hurt- yeah, try again. When I turn this on switch on in the lamp, at exactly the same time, I'm going to hit a key on my computer and start it running.
I want to spend some time on that until we talk about-- before we talk about development of the polio vaccine.
I was going to say when you first start doing this, even people who have been doing it for a long time still go off on ten-minute daydreams before realizing that their minds were wondering.
And then next time, next Wednesday-- - because remember we're not meeting on Monday-- next Wednesday, I'll do a similar kind of lecture for everything you need to know about Ancient Judaism, to put the New Testament into its historical context.
And if we have time today, we'll start in on the photo-electron spectroscopy, if not, that's where we'll start when we come back on Wednesday.
The question is would the defeated army- would the winning army kill all the defeated guys who were still on the battlefield at the time?
It had two--depending on when you look to three dozen major full-time slave traders.