you're on a diet and you're on an exercise program.
A huge amount about what we know on diet and health-- like is too much sugar bad for you?
Unfortunately, weight loss diets don't work very well, and that's one of the reasons why there is always a diet book on the best-seller list.
It wasn't actually a study itself on the Mediterranean Diet, but it was a review of other studies that had been done using this statistical technique called meta-analysis.
So you have the low fat diets, you have the low carb diets like Atkins, etc., and so--and even the experts who aren't out there trying to make a fortune on diet books have their own favorite foods and things.
One, there's a growing amount of literature showing that Mediterranean--eating the Mediterranean Diet has protected against a number of diseases, but also there was a study on this that just came out on Friday, and I'd like to discuss the results of that particular study.
Other days you have more normal intake, or you might be making up for the deficit the previous day and you might have more; and so which of those particular days gets chosen determines a lot on inferences made about a person's overall diet.
Now in the case of The Framingham Study they did bi-annual assessments, every two years brought people into the lab and got very careful measures on them, so a lot of what we initially knew about diet and health, smoking and health, and other things came from The Framingham Heart Study.
Now the fact that people were so reliant on certain foods led to deficiencies of certain nutrients, so people that were dependent on a rice based diet tended to have problems with deficiencies in protein, Vitamin A, and thiamine.