Not on the basis of simple filling in ascending order, but a modified rate of filling as according to the Aufbau Principle.
They would have decided on the basis of what was most effective and you would not want old guys.
And that's what these will be for on a weekly basis for each of the remaining problem sets.
vote on the base of what they believe ,and not on the basis of what the facts are.
And what's amazing about the argument is that it works on the basis of a pure thought experiment.
We saw record price declines on a monthly basis for fourteen of our twenty cities that we reported.
We can't possibly know what the author meant except on the basis of our determination of the meaning of the text, so why not just focus our attention to meaning on the text?
This is on the basis of the integral of the current times the time.
Any belief is heresy if you haven't managed to determine that belief for yourself, if you haven't managed to determine that belief on the basis of your own conscience or through the powers of your own faculty of reason.
So, on the basis of this, Socrates proposes how to proceed Kallipolis with the construction of Kallipolis, and he does so through what he calls three waves.
Right? I could—This So if I could be up here making a fool of myself on a daily basis you guys are much younger than I and known for outrageous behaviors.
And on the other, a table, which held loaves of bread that were changed on a weekly basis.
And so, Descartes' attempt to establish the distinctness of the mind, the immateriality of the mind, on the basis of this Cartesian thought experiment, I think that's unsuccessful.
He concluded this on the basis of a statistical test.
It is also, I should say, on the basis of this letter, which is why I ask people from time to time to remove their caps in the class room, from the House of Study.
We can detect radio waves on the basis of their affects.