Now it's--I think it's still the dominant academic view, but there's a big debate and there are partisans on both sides.
Okay, so you could see difficulties in estimating on both sides of the norm. Yes?
It is evident that these different Mycenaean towns, all throughout the Greek world, on both sides of the Aegean Sea, were in touch with each other.
Because there were many people on both sides of the Arab/Israeli conflict who wanted to end it, many people in this country who wanted to end it.
The opposite leaflet does the other thing, the water soluble part points down and the fat points up, so now you have thin region of fat which is surrounded on both sides by water.
That could be an epigraph on this course, if you like, because in the end when this Civil War will finally come both sides will say over and over and over again that they are only fighting for liberty.
Let's imagine my army is the same size as theirs precisely, so that the line is the same size on both sides; therefore, also the same depth.
Everybody--all of this is voluntary on both sides of every agreement.
Well, all of that is working on both sides.