When threatened, chimpanzees-- their hair stands up on end and that makes them look bigger to fool others to thinking they're more dangerous than they are.
By the end, the language of experience--this is on 304--the language of experience that Dean represents is completely exhausted.
Anything is unnarratable if we don't have a sense of a beginning, a middle, and an end to bring to bear on it.
So, for example, hydrogen or fluorine they'll never be in the middle, they'll always be on the end of a molecule.
It ultimately evaluates that line of code but just once the stuff inside the curly braces, but the semicolon on the end, essentially has the effect of this.
All right, then as I push through, I'm going to start with all of my gas on this side, and at the end I'm going to have all the gas on the other side.
And as if that weren't terrible enough a realization, he goes on to envision an even more grotesque end for Lycidas' body.
We're coming on toward the end of the semester, and the last topic we'll be talking about is indeed the topic of suicide.
What percentage of Americans do you think worked on farms at the end of the nineteenth century?
And this is where I want to end this section on social psychology by talking about groups.
And at the end of the track you notice five workers working on the track.
And somebody once wrote many a superb champion of Longchamps, that is the racetrack, met their end on the table of some well-heeled person from the western fancy districts of Paris.
Hand it on to the end of the row.
And I will end just on this note.
I was part of a huge conference last summer in West Africa on the end of the slave-trade in Ghana, and we had representatives we had people participating in that conference from 15 or 16 different African countries.
Well, but it ought so in the midst that the bullion, was at the end of the bullion conversation that went on forth actual three and a half hours, and you saw the shortened version.