try and come to some middle ground synthesis based on everyone's ideas.
Hang on a second, everyone see that 10 is going to be dominated by 9 in exactly the same way?
I get all the voters right on top of me at position 1 and she gets everyone else, is that right?
I think that it's fair to say that everyone agrees on that, and that's not nothing but that's pretty much where the agreement ends.
Everyone from our company need to be ready to learn new things almost on a daily basis.
Compare after 30 or 60 seconds with the person next to you and see if before I reveal the answer we can't get everyone on to the exact same page.
There is also the constant, creative tension around experimentation and making sure everyone in the organization feels it's better to experiment, fail and then move on and experiment again than to not do that.
PROFESSOR: All right. As everyone finishes getting settled in, why don't you take 10 more seconds on the clicker question here, and let's see how you did on that this, this is very similar to the clicker question that we had on Friday.
Everyone wants to be on top like with all of these high vendors, you know, very flashy names, pricey stuff,
There's a list on your handout, so I hope everyone got a copy of the handout.
Suppose everyone happens to die on Monday, due to some cosmic coincidence.
We keep all sorts of secrets in our company; we don't want to be filing all of our information all the time and to have it go right up on the website on standard forms so that everyone can easily process it.
Like everyone wants that to be something, but really it's the time that you spend on it.
you get to learn quite a bit about everyone's ideas, everyone's points of view on issues,
So it's very traditional like, conservative, and everyone is very focused on academics.
The realization that I think everyone needs to have about that latter option, putting it on the shelf, is that you can come back to it.