To be sure, Machiavelli focuses on key aspects of political reality which are often ignored by thinkers like Plato and Aristotle.
and calling on key customers here in the United States,
What was the key step that I said I needed to do on Friday but failed very publicly to do so?
To the monkeys we show them the spots, to us, we will put up keys on the key board.
This is a key moment in the evolution of revolutionary politics in Russia as we shall see a little later on.
And I think that turns out to be a great key to understanding what's happening, and everything you hear from me on this subject I learned from Hanson.
In particular functions that operate on the data, perhaps on other data as well. The key idea here is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on that data as a single thing.
It's deliberate that a lot of the examples in lecture are fairly short and bite-size so that you can actually focus on pulling out the key ideas without getting distracted by line and lines of code.
But again, the key takeaway there was how many numbers did I touch on that pass?
And I could go recall from right above here on the left side of your brain, right in the premium of the cortex to predict exactly that key.
So if you've ever seen or used an old school typewriter, you might recall that when you're typing something out on an old mechanical typewriter, - when you like hit the char-- when you hit the enter key to move the head back to the left hand side to the next line or you would pull down some lever, it was really a two part process.
Imagine I have a little lamp, a little goose- one of those little gooseneck lamps, I'd put it on the table here, I'd put the height about a f-- about a foot off the table. And if I was really good, - I could hit, or time it so that when I hurt- yeah, try again. When I turn this on switch on in the lamp, at exactly the same time, I'm going to hit a key on my computer and start it running.
The reason it printed that is I accidentally had my finger on the control key, which said print the last thing you had.
And in Scratch did you probably see the key word "and" on one of the blocks.