Then the seesaw will balance, even if you put a potato on one side and an elephant on the other side.
Cloning? Well, I hate to land on one side of the debate or the other
You've got to put more pressure on one side than the other if you want to push that gas through the throttle, right? So this is where the time scale issue comes into play.
So our skeleton tells us that carbon is in the middle, so we'll put the h on one side, and the n on the other side there.
And then on one side a seven-branched lampstand or menorah.
They carry a potential, that is, if you could - if you had a tiny, tiny electrical meter, you could one put one electrode on one side of the cell membrane, on the extracellular side and one on the intracellular side and measure, you would measure a potential difference; just like a battery you would measure a potential difference.
You put a child on one side of the mountains and you ask him to draw it, and a four- or five-year-old can do it easily, but then you ask him to draw it as it would appear from the other side and children find this extraordinarily difficult.
So on one side here we've got the "Confutatis maledictis."
Each person has one oar which goes on one side.
So, on one side is everything the company owns and the other side is everything the company owes.
It's in that context, needless to say, that I'd like to take a look at these two interesting passages on the sheet that has Anton Chekhov on one side and Henry James on the other.
There is a wonderful archaeological discovery of a boundary stone near Athens on which it is written on one side, this is Athens, it is not Megara.
Scholars tend to line up on one side or the other.
The repetition of "breast" links them, makes us see them together, side by side, one on top of the other.
Anyway, if you go to your Periodic Table you will find that on the one side you can get what is called the enthalpy of atomization.
On the trade side, service sector is the one which has been booming the most.