No.He just keeps that same E-flat chord for about six minutes at the beginning of the Overture to Rheingold, and on the basis of that you know there's going to be a very long opera.
And on the other, a table, which held loaves of bread that were changed on a weekly basis.
And that's what these will be for on a weekly basis for each of the remaining problem sets.
And what's amazing about the argument is that it works on the basis of a pure thought experiment.
Any belief is heresy if you haven't managed to determine that belief for yourself, if you haven't managed to determine that belief on the basis of your own conscience or through the powers of your own faculty of reason.
And so, Descartes' attempt to establish the distinctness of the mind, the immateriality of the mind, on the basis of this Cartesian thought experiment, I think that's unsuccessful.
At the end of last class, we started sketching an argument that comes from Descartes, the Cartesian argument, that says merely by the process of thinking, on the basis of thought alone, it tends to show that the mind-- We all agree that there are minds.