I announced on the first day of class that I don't, myself, believe in the existence of a soul.
As I told you, on the first day, I do look at trends.
Now there's another way of organizing this that's standard in Game Theory, so we may as well get used to it now on the first day.
Things started to change probably on the first day of class, but not entirely-- because there's shopping period and it's such a wonderful thing-- you shop for classes.
That is a description of what I did on the first day.
The graph is something I showed you on the first day of class, that over the last hundred years in particular, but what's shown on this slide is over the last 300 years.
when I talked on the first day of class about my own boyhood experience when a Coca-Cola was an eight ounce glass or a Pepsi was an eight ounce bottle rather, that was a serving.
Then you have a problem set, which is due on that day, your first problem set, and the problem set is up on the website.
But days three and six each have an extra element, And the fact that the first elements here pair up nicely with each other suggests that the extra element on day three and the extra element on day six might also be paired in some important way.
On the first day, here is where I was.
And what you will give me in return is on the first day, one cent-- one penny; on the second day, two cents; third day, 4 cents... Every day, twice as much as the previous day, starting with one.
Every teacher in the world on the first day of teacher training need to learn about Marva Collins and Pygmalion effect.
On the 30th day, I will be getting from you in total, including the first 29 days-- no, rather on the 30th day, I'll be getting from you 5,368,709 dollars and 12 cents.
OK, so let's say some young engineer is on the job the first day and says, OK, let's put in 200 kg of tickle, and let's put in about 25 kg of mag.
What I could do on the first day is to come here.
On their first day of class in the fall of 2007, we have 41 students in our class this year.