This is exactly--these are the grounds on which this new school-- one of the ways in which they argue otherwise.
First, the historical prologue that's so central to the suzerainty treaty, grounds the obligations of Israel to Yahweh in the history of his acts on her behalf.
It's a problem if we reject the police-like authority of authors, of whom we may have a certain suspicion on those grounds, when we certainly don't feel that way about Marx and Freud.
So attempts to dismiss the appeal to near- death experiences on what we might call philosophical grounds-- this would be the bad notion of philosophy-- on philosophical grounds, I think that's got to be misguided.
For if I say that this is to disobey the god and because of this it is impossible to keep quiet, you will not be persuaded by me on the grounds that I am being ironic.
Obviously Tony the Tow Truck points a moral and so would be subject - to a kind of devaluation on those grounds by the New Criticism-- even though there are ways of reading Tony, as I've been suggesting, New Critic-ally.
But, he says, if he tries to persuade people of the goodness and the justice of his way of life on simply rational grounds alone, to persuade them that the examined life alone is worth living, he says he will not be believed.