How do you know something like this doesn't happen every single night, every hour on the hour, ? every minute, every second?
If I place my container of gas on the table here, and I come back an hour later, the pressure needs to be the same when I come back Otherwise it's not equilibrium.
And that half hour meeting, in addition to the intelligence meeting, was always focused on what's the immediate threats to the country.
This is what he says about them about three quarters of the way down the page: During my lunch hour, which I spent on a bench in a nearby park, the waitresses would come and sit beside me talking at random, laughing, joking, smoking cigarettes.
You know, he works an hour away but he got on the highway "drive drive drive."
For example, if a car is going on a racetrack and you're seeing it from the top, if the speedometer says 60 miles per hour, you might say it's not accelerating.
This was a series put together by a British filmmaker who's actually narrating this named Antony Thomas who did a terrific-- I think six or seven part series for British television and several of those got collapsed into a one hour special on Nova that was shown in the United States.
And you could never imagine that he would be somebody that people would listen to on the radio, hour after hour, because that's how long he talked; or that when Stauffenberg tries to kill him in 1944 the Germans would pour out of the-- into the street to thank god for saving the Fuhrer.
I needed about an half hour ahead start on him in the office in order to be sufficiently prepared to visit with him which I did every morning shortly after he arrived.