Milton's treading an extraordinarily fine line between the tremendous beauty of this image, on the one hand, and its potential impiety or just grotesquery on the other.
Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.
So these are the two basic positions: the dualist view on the one hand, the physicalist view on the other.
So, somewhere in between, the bonds are, we have a range of bonds between ionic on the one hand, and perfectly covalent on the other hand.
I don't mean divide the world as Asia on the one hand and north America on the other.
The story in Exodus has high drama, and lots of folkloric elements including this contest between Moses and Aaron on the one hand and the magicians of Egypt on the other hand.
Then she proceeds to explain that there's lacing over, on the one hand, bowling shoes laced under and lacing under, on the other hand.
On the other hand, watch what happens with binary. Is the partway one there?
And his structural device that he mingles with the romance, on the one hand, and the flurry of the elements of thriller on the other hand.
At no other point in the Republic, I think, do we see so clearly the tension between philosophical reflectiveness. on the one hand, in the sense of camaraderie, mutuality and esprit de corps necessary for political life on the other.
But it's amazing to read the letters and the language of slave traders when they write to each other, the complacency, the mixture of just pure racism on the one hand and just business language on the other.
My two favorite foods in the world are probably pizza on the one hand and chocolate on the other.
Now you will remember that the mask Comus was everywhere well, the strangely intertwined questions of the power of chastity on the one hand and the power of poetry on the other.
on the one hand, and Temple on the other, a fair hearing.
We've seen Milton's account there of how he had attempted to reconcile, on the one hand, his obligation to become a minister and his desire, on the other hand, to become a poet.
So it looks as though the personality theorist is going to have to introduce a distinction between my being alive, on the one hand,and my body being alive,on the other.
So Klawans notes in the article you read that the physical substances and states that are labeled impure and are therefore designated as antithetical to the realm of holiness are states that are associated with death on the one hand, and procreation on the other. Why should this be?
On the other hand, look at this one.