Because as we'll talk about next time, rates of depression are on the rise, rates of anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally.
By the same token, if literature has effects, it must have effects on someone, and this gives rise to the equally interesting and vexing question, "What is a reader?"
I would recite, whatever, the Articles of Confederation I would rise on my hind legs, quaking in my boots, and I would begin until I made a mistake, whereupon I would be castigated, berated, totally stripped of self-esteem by this monster who would that inflict the same pain on somebody else.
On the one hand it's clearly good that humans rise above the animals and build cities and wear clothes and pursue the arts of civilization and develop bonds of love and duty and friendship the way that animals do not; these are the things that make humans like the gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh.