I computed the returns on the stocks, bonds, and oil for every year from 1983 and I computed the average returns, which I take as the expected returns, I took the standard deviations, and I took the covariance.
Underlying this analysis, we have estimates of the expected returns on assets, notably, the expected returns on stocks and bonds.
So even if, on average, the stock is expected to not move at all from where it starts, some stocks will be expected to just trundle along without much change, not very volatile.
I also have up on the website some questions that I asked investors about what they think about picking stocks.
They show the expected return on stocks versus bonds or short-term debt for a whole range of countries.
It surprises many people that stocks have paid such an enormous premium over the return on short-term debt.
I computed the average return on stocks over that time period and I computed the average return on bonds over that time period.
I can try other portfolios; this one right here--I'm pointing to a point on the pink line-- that point right there, 50% stocks, 50% bonds.
This is the return on stocks for a period of almost 200 years.
Of course, other stocks are held by institutions on their behalf, but in terms of direct ownership, homes are the main thing that people own.
The thing that is very interesting that he finds is the difference, 4%, between the historical real return on stocks and the historical real return on bonds.
What Siegel emphasized--the book is really about this-- he talks about what is the expected return of stocks and what is the expected return of bonds and so on.