If I were young again, I would go out on the town.
There were some twelve to fifteen different widths of railroads in the Northern states alone by the 1850s, and you could go into one town on a gauge, i don't know, three feet wide but on the other side of town it would come out four feet wide.
Let's pretend that you spend the evening out on the town.
So I want to go back again, now we're considering the line on the board as being flavor in beer, or location in a town, and I want to go back to politics now and go back to the interpretation we started with, so that left and right will end up being left-wing politics versus right-wing politics.
I live in a house with two other girls that sits on one of the waterfalls here in town,
It just depends on the areas of town, I think. They're always changing, you know.
and then there's the town, as, you know, on the periphery.