And there are some early indications that the mass actually increases after each reorganization.Now I will send you on the weekend with a chemistry joke.
But my boss called me in on the weekend to do some extra work.
But, I think what most of you, actually having MIT come to MIT, have probably realized is sometimes it's nice to major in a science, because you can't just pick up a reaction and do it in your kitchen on the weekend, where as you can sometimes join a book group and do that.
And nine months later, they leave honor above great level, begging for some more work and wanting to hang out with you on the weekend.
Because on the weekend it's never what you think.
The goal of virtual office hours is if you're sitting down in mather or the quad or wherever, even off campus on some weekend, we'll still hold, not as many, but some virtual office hours.
Shelly Kagan Whether or not I'm Shelly Kagan,the guy that was lecturing to you on Thursday, depends on whether,unbeknownst to me,over the weekend, somebody removed half of my brain,stuck it in some other torso, sealed me all back up.
But remember that you do have recitation on Tuesday, so that could be very helpful with the problem-set, so be sure to go to recitation on Tuesday, and have a great long weekend.
This actually relates very closely to what we discussed in class on Friday before the long weekend, and what we were talking about is the energy levels of multielectron atoms.
You can go to any one of these times more comfortable, less comfortable, somewhere in between, and the focus of these sections will be on the material cover this week as well as potentially the start of next week and with a focus on problem set 1, which is the second problem set, 0 index which will go out via PDF this weekend.
And this should look kind of familiar to some of the problems you may have seen on the problem-set if you started it this weekend.