To justify the ways of God to men is essentially to put God on trial for the actions that he performs.
The speech of Socrates before the jury is perhaps the most famous attempt to put democracy itself on trial.
In just a moment the hearts are gonna start flowing from bottom to top and the cookies are gonna start moving left and right and they seem to be somewhat synchronized with the music, perhaps based on trial and error by the student who implemented this one.
As I'm sure you know, Socrates was put on trial, condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens-- and perhaps, among other things, for arguing philosophy with them.
My first book was on the trial of John Peter Zenger, 5 which was the first famous case in America in 1735 relating to freedom of speech.
The Athenians at least pay Socrates the tribute of taking him seriously, which is exactly why he is on trial.
He is, after all, on trial for his life, for the charge of impiety.
Socrates intends to put the democracy of Athens itself on trial.
It is not merely Socrates who is on trial.
And then, they put the women on trial.
Not only does the Apology force Socrates to defend himself before the city of Athens but Socrates puts the city of Athens on trial and makes it defend itself before the high court of philosophy.