Pretty much I think about it only once a year, when I'm giving this very lecture.
Yeah, I actually, we have a concert here on Main Green once a year called "Spring Weekend"
Even such concepts, such great American concepts let's call it that--as self-reliance about which Ralph Waldo Emerson may have written his greatest essay I go read Emerson's "Self-Reliance" at least once a year.
We establish these targets, we review them once a year, we don't make changes in many years, they're quite stable, and when we do move them we don't move them by a lot.
A stranger with a flair for cocktail party descriptive prose might have commented that the room, at a quick glance, looked as if it had once been tenanted by two struggling twelve-year-old lawyers or researchists.
Notably, it's typically required that it's one share, one vote and that there's it would be also required that there be an annual meeting-- at least once a year, a shareholder meeting-- and then the shareholders can vote on relevant issues.