I was wearing a red dress once and this guy started playing like,
I met a lot of people there and I never once got the idea that anyone there was evil or grasping.
When I started merging, I did merging three times across this whole board, this level, this level, and this level, and each time because of the way I was advancing my fingers I touched each number just once.
And when I threw those away, I was left once again with a little box, and I could do it again, and again, and again.
I took a class once on how to teach when I was a graduate student.
I was immersed in March Madness once I got to Duke.
And it's not a la-di-dah thing where--I'll tell you, once there was a student in there who had really fantastic French and I said, "Why is your French so good?"
Now look, I was an undergraduate once.
So was I once myself a swinger of birches.
I once picked up a guy on Broadway and he was drunk,
Or I have once been to a party and I found my shirt was misaligned, seriously misaligned, not one button but--Anyway, so--and so I feel when this happens I'm very immature.
Also, I ask the teaching assistants to give me little capsule descriptions of you so that if in ten years, or 20 years from now, I get a call from a reporter asking about this illustrious person who was once my student, I can have something to prod my memory.
And, you know, when you go up there, as you go up to Montmartre, it's incredible--because I was there once very, very late in the afternoon, and oddly enough I met this woman who went there every day, and I said, "why do you go there every day?"
It's just the sheer--it's amazing, it's an amazing read too. And then, Marc Bloch; I once had the pleasure when I was giving a talk at the University of Strasbourg and sitting in Marc Bloch's office.
I was watching a poker game once on TV and somebody who lost said, and I quote, "They beat me like an ugly stepchild" and the fate of the ugly stepchild is, in fact, not a very good fate but this is not a good study.
and they reply in German, "Yes, I'm French," that doesn't--language doesn't necessarily tell you how people feel about their identity. Some sage once said, I don't know who it was, but I love this expression, that a language is a dialect with a powerful army.
So, I went out--I remember once- and bought a Galaxy convertible and it was a beautiful car. I had a beautiful girlfriend she was a model--it was just pretty nice.