Every once in a while we'll bring up an issue of well, how has this been interpreted over the centuries?
If you get, you know, a handshake or you know. Every once in a while we get people to do that.
I will use that to post information, maybe once in a while send an e-mail to the whole class.
We have kind of a slowing economy either because of that or because the economy kind of slows every once in a while.
That's why your operating systems and your personal computers often crash for no apparent reason. Just because two things happen to, once in a while, occur at the same time.
Exactly, so you might have been thought especially in years past to defragment, so to speak, your hard drive once in a while.
Once in a while, I take a subway, but I always walk.
So after about a month, I started to, once in a while, experience some envy toward David.
Censorship only comes into play once a text has actually been in circulation for a while, only after a number of readers have found a published text to pose a threat.
But once in a while, you know, you will come up with a reason that I just cannot argue with.
Once in a while you'll have to talk to your neighbor and say, "Can you please pass me my pacemaker that fell down?"
And you might every once in a while get this, at least as we've done it in this case, this large move out at the end.