In fact, the assets that the Norwegian Government owns is about two-thirds oil and one-third government pension fund assets.
There's never been a successful third-party political culture take hold in this country without one really big issue to drive it.
It sells for about 20 cents a pound, so that represents about one-third of a trillion dollars.
One more time and we need- we're going to get our third in.
Next time reread for the third time - you will be repaid by your dedication - Books One and Two, this time focusing on the similes. Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of class, read the essays by Stanley Fish and Geoffrey Hartman.
One is building new houses, another one is building new apartment buildings that's commercial instead of-- but it's still adding to the housing stock and the third one is improvements of existing houses.
who will help me out? They find themselves surrounded, and Paris is--it's nothing like- - it's one-third the size of London at this same time, or at any other time, but it has a huge circumference.
And what you will give me in return is on the first day, one cent-- one penny; on the second day, two cents; third day, 4 cents... Every day, twice as much as the previous day, starting with one.
About one-third of Southern white families at one time or another had at least a toehold in slave ownership.
One-third of every steamboat built in the United States before 1850 exploded and destroyed became a wreck.
One minus one-half plus one-third, it is all there.
And what is all this stuff? Y is at one, one-half, one-third?