Once each time. Right? I only do one swap potentially, it-- though not one potentially, each time at the end of the loop I do a swap.
and we have a lot of one-on-one time with the professor, and we can...
.. And so we are not talking about anything that... Processing our tax returns, unfortunately And it's a one-time check.
About one-third of Southern white families at one time or another had at least a toehold in slave ownership.
This should all sound incredibly familiar, like I'm just repeating myself in terms of photoelectric effect, because essentially that's what I'm doing, and that's one reason we spent so much time and did so many problem-set problems on the photoelectric effect.
Is the space-time worm that makes up this car the same sapce-time worm as the one ? that made up my car?
So at the very top, I've coded up the same thing as before: "Give me an integer between one and ten," or rather, -- "give me an integer between one and ten" -- a little different this time.
In every one of those seventeen categories, the dollar-weighted returns were less than the time-weighted returns.
At best, one could say Hobbes is a kind of part-time liberal at best.
Next time reread for the third time - you will be repaid by your dedication - Books One and Two, this time focusing on the similes. Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of class, read the essays by Stanley Fish and Geoffrey Hartman.
One more time and we need- we're going to get our third in.
This is not an one-time event.
So this MAPP program is a one calendar year, full-time study.
How do you deal with that trade-off where you absolutely need an ad sales force but at the same time, if one person at a time, you just can't say let's go out and hire five good engineers or five good ad sales people and not have them be great?
who will help me out? They find themselves surrounded, and Paris is--it's nothing like- - it's one-third the size of London at this same time, or at any other time, but it has a huge circumference.
We were in many, many arguments-- We got into many, many arguments and one time something happened where he came up to my car in a parking lot and he was yelling at me through the window.