We have to assume, though, in the context of a reading of this kind that it's a push toward a state in which the little yellow garage and the unnarratable junkyard are manifest as one and the same thing.
But it's the very same case.It can't be that in one of them, follow the body and the other one,follow personality.
So there's going to be a line that's going to connect the initial point to the final point, and that line mathematically is not going to be the same as this one here.
and if the bits represent one here, 1 those exact same bits are going to represent one here.
And the same thing that happens over here, what is this one going to look like?
Similarly we see as we go down the table, so as we're going from one row to the next row, so, for example, between helium and lithium, we see a drop; the same with neon to sodium, we see a drop here.
It's no use talking about the negative relationship between a red light and a green light and a yellow, white, or blue one because they all have the same value.
So one of the things I want you to notice here is that testing and debugging are not the same thing. When we test, we compare an input output pair to a specification.
And so classical conditioning should be the strongest when these two are simultaneous and the response to one is the same as the response to the other.
What that means, Kaufman asserts, is that in pagan religion there's very often a fluid boundary between the divine, the human, and the natural worlds. They blur into one another because they all emerge ultimately from the same primordial world stuff.
Transplants require donors, and the donor organ is usually not at the same physical location that the recipient is and so jets like this one have become very important in connecting donors to recipients.
Our little study hypothesized that foods that you could buy in the United States would be sweeter and have more sugar in it than the same foods that one could buy in other countries.
Hobbes, as we see, sometimes writes as a sort of scientist or proto-scientist for whom nature and one supposes the laws of nature operate with the same kind of necessity as the laws of physical attraction.
The equally-weighted case that I gave a minute ago was one where the two assets had--were at the same-- had the same expected return and the same variance; but this is quite a bit more general.
They didn't say whether it had to be the same one or three different provided, and this was the compromise, provided the guest paid 50 pence to defray the cost to the college.
And the purpose of this course is to show you over and over and over again that starting with those one or two laws, you can deduce everything, and I would encourage you to think the same way.
It adds fifty percent or a half to that and that means instead of two quarter notes that we now have three and we can do the same thing to any one of these other values here and that's how we get our triple relationships.
So the connection between this endpoint here, and that one here. Same temperature.
And we're asking: Is that the very same space-time worm as the one we picked out previously or a different space-time worm ? than the one we picked out previously?
So at the very top, I've coded up the same thing as before: "Give me an integer between one and ten," or rather, -- "give me an integer between one and ten" -- a little different this time.
Now the people in this poll were asked the same question and here's what they said, so 75% said that one reason is that it's more convenient, it's what people like to eat, it's heavily advertised, it's more affordable, people may not know which foods are healthy.
Some Arab Sheikh just paid one hundred million pounds for that apartment-- that penthouse apartment-- in that building and the same Sheikh is ordering a Airbus for his-- one of these big Airbus airplanes-- for his personal plane and he's having it plated with gold leaf.